среда, 16 февраля 2011 г.

Hello,my friends!
My name is Natalia Kolesnik. I am 18 years old. I was born in Poltavka. It is a village near Omsk. Now I am living in Omsk. I am studing in faculty of foreign languages at University. As for me, foreign languages  are more important than other subjects.
I want to tell you about my pastime.
   I like reading very much . It is a new world for me, because I can know very much information about countries, animals, some famous people. My favourite genre is adventure. But , of course, I ,as many girls in our world, like to read about love.
   Also, I can knit. I often knit small things. For example, napkins. I don not like to knit big things, because unfortunately I  often have not patience.
One of the most favourite occupation is cooking. Our cooking can express national characteristics of country.
   I can say about myself that I am music lover. But I try to pay  much attention to classic music. I think than it reflects the era of past  and real senses of those people.